Hokkaido milk bread dinner rolls

My roommates made tri-tip steak and coleslaw+potato salads for 4th of July (YUM) so I decided to contribute these Hokkaido milk bread buns :) I still don’t have a 9x9 baking pan so I just stuffed all the dough into an 8x8, baked for a little over 30 mins, and they turned out real poufy hehe C: I wasn’t super-satisfied with my last milk bread attempt so I was wary about this recipe (not to mention all my subpar attempts at the Joshua Weissman croissant recipes hahaha), but I needn’t have worried since they turned out SO GOOD! Tall and fluffy with a substantially chewy bite and sweet flavour, these were *perfect*.

We actually had quite some garlic butter left over after we polished these buns, which I later used for herbed garlic knots (post to come!).

(original recipe from Joshua Weissman)
(and someone on Reddit very kindly transcribed it :))


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